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Muffins & Ninjas

What a fabulous weekend I had bonding with my sweet, adorable nieces. Marrying Ryan, if anything was the best thing because I gained these two into my life. They live in Ohio so they were only here for the summer, and sadly they have to leave to go back to school tomorrow. Kylie, the ever stylish and girly 12 year old, and Joli, the spunky 9 year old tomboy, loved helping me with everything ALL weekend. I couldn't believe how these two wanted to cook with me, clean for me, pick out my clothes- everything! How did I get so lucky, and when did kids become this fun and helpful?? I'm already bummed about them leaving, but looking forward to a lifetime of dancing the "nay nay", swimming in the ocean holding hands, future holidays, clothing shopping, photo taking, watching American Ninjas, Tammie's muffins and watching these two beautiful girls grow up- hopefully not too soon. 
PS they picked my outfit and photographed me for todays' post :) 
Aren't they just the cutest????
Hat: Nine West
Shirt: Nordstrom soft black V Neck
Lace halter bra- lette: from Frocks & Rocks in El Segundo
Skirt: Forever 21
Bead Necklace: Nordstrom
Sunglasses: Forever 21
Booties: Dolce Vita at Nordstrom


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